Marking a Milestone with A New Company Reel

[ My Role ]

Creative Direction
Art Direction

Video Production
Video Editing
Motion Design

Sound Design

[ About the Project ]

The 2024 Digital Surgeons reel marked a significant milestone for our company, showcasing how far we've come and setting the stage for the future. Tasked with creating a new reel after years since our last award-winning effort, the goal was clear: to reflect our evolution and the high quality of our work.

From the outset, this project was about more than just a highlight reel; it was about capturing the essence of our journey and transformation. Starting with brainstorming sessions, I collaborated with the creative team to develop a bold, dynamic narrative anchored by our sacred symbol, the delta, representing change.

The process involved meticulous planning, animatics, and audio mixing to craft a cohesive story. Assembling content from various clients and projects, we aimed to showcase not just our work but the spirit of innovation and resilience that defines DS. The introduction, featuring a Cinema 4D simulation with audio-reactive water ripples, exemplified our commitment to detail and excellence, even in elements that might go unnoticed.

The final product was more than a reel; it was a testament to our growth and a rallying cry for the entire team. The transition from Digital Surgeons to DS symbolized our readiness to embrace the future while honoring our past. The reel's impact was immediate, reinvigorating the company and earning us a Webby nomination in the B2B category.

Through this project, we not only illustrated our capabilities but also reinforced our identity and mission, proving that the power of showing the way surpasses merely talking about it.

[ Awards & Recognition ]

Webby Nominee - Video b2b Category

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