Packaging Designed to Support Product Innovation.

[ My Role ]

Creative Direction
Art Direction
Concept Sketching
Product Design
3D Rendering

Naboso Packaging Portolio.jpg

[ About the Project ]

After completing a full rebrand for a startup called Naboso, we were tasked with redesigning the majority of their current product portfolio. With direct access to their manufacturers and vendors, we played a key role with consultation and support with product design and manufacturing, giving us a great opportunity to support Naboso with custom packaging for each product innovation they rolled out over time.

[ About the Project ]

Jeff DeSimone, Jimmy Burt, Jane O’Connor, Steve Walter


Concept Sketches

Andre Picard Mind Body Mat Packaging Sketch.jpg
Me Sketching Mat Packaging.jpg
Andre Picard Naboso Recovery Kit Concept Sketch.jpg
Naboso Sensory Sticks Concept Sketch.jpg


3d Renderings

Andre Picard Recovery Kit Standing.jpg
Andre Picard Recovery Kit Lying.jpg
Andre Picard Recovery Kit Open.jpg
Sensory Stick Outside.jpg
Andre Picard Sensory Stick 3D Model.gif
Andre Picard Sensory Sticks Standing.jpg
Andre Picard Splay Packaging.jpg


Final Packaging

Andre Picard Mat Packaging.gif
Andre Picard Duo Packaging.jpg
Andre Picard Designing Performance Mat.jpg

more work


Redesigning a Vehicle App Experience